We’re changing the way small businesses are able to aquire big business creative.
Experienced Creative
It’s time to stop hitting up your nephew Jimmy for some drawrings. Get experienced creative at a super competitive rate.
Let’s get strategic
Sure, you might think you just need a simple logo, but let us help you build a brand.
Ditch the agency
No more bloated scopes of work with over staffed teams. Let’s get aligned to your needs and deliver on your priorties.
Much more than just creative talent. We are brand builders.
We hand pick top level contracted talent to join us in a collective effort to provide our customers the very best results. Passionate and pragmatic, our work isn’t guided by ideals or egos. It’s about finding truth through design and discipline.
Our robust vetting process means that your project creative talent will always be made up of the top 2% of creative talent from right here in the USA, giving us the ability to provide continuous service regardless of your time zone.
We are FO-LK. We are one of you.

Brian has been building brands through quality user experience and design for over 20 years. He has designed and built over 25 native mobile apps and web platforms from the ground up for brands such as Starbucks, Best Buy, News Corporation, Discovery Channel, Microsoft, and Pizza Hut.

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It is my passion to create stunning products and experiences that make an impact. I have over 10 years of experience in designing, manufacturing, and holding awards and patents in industries ranging from luxury housewares and fashion to modern products designed for parents. Designing for such diverse industries, my experience is in crafting purposeful products whose value matches their luxury price points.

A native Central Texas artist and photographer, I find beauty in people’s uniqueness, the diversity of this planet, mother nature, and objects found in nature. I am driven to find the balance between expressing something that is deeply meaningful to me and creating a sense of joy that will touch the lives of others through visual story telling and showcasing the real and organic visceral experience where words fail me. This is WHY I do what I do and is the reason for the Y in Wyld Roots. I have had the privilege of working with some of the most inspiring creatives and brands; strangers and friends who have supported and contributed to making Wyld Roots an inimitable lifestyle platform.

Growing up on the river in small town Texas, an abundance of natural beauty surrounded me and helped formed my vision of the world. As I grew and found that beauty more rare I wanted to find a way to remind myself of those simple pleasures and bring them to the forefront of mine and others lives. I took my largest step in that direction by marrying my twin flame and starting Wyld Roots as a way to connect with people and the planet through collaboration and visual storytelling. This adventure is continuously unfolding but I hope it always allows me to stay wyld and honor my roots.

Andrew enjoyed a rewarding career in real estate brokerage, placemaking and building hospitality brands in East Austin before relocating to Wimberley, Texas in 2022. Ashmore has since launched a 501 (c) (3) Back To The Land™ Conservation Corp. and the BTTL Group of Compass to focus his business, or as he calls it “chapter two”, on community and conservation. He values the creative process, exploring the non-obvious, and truly excels when connecting the right people with the right place.